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Greatest psychological thriller of all time

7 Greatest psychological thriller of all time 

Greatest psychological thriller of all time     
That popcorn-spilling jump at a scary scene in a horror movie is one thing, but psychological thrillers get inside your head and stay there, for a totally different kind of scare that can linger long after the closing credits roll. For those who like to mull over movies (and aren't too susceptible to nightmares) a slow-burn kind of fright is far more satisfying.

1The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time

This film adaption of Thomas Harris’s classic novel follows a young FBI cadet named Clarice (Jodie Foster) who needs help tracking down a serial killer. She ends up seeking the expertise of former psychiatrist and incarcerated cannibal murderer Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) and the results are just as unsettling as you'd think.

2. The Girl on the Train (2016)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time

Every day on her commute, Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) catches glimpses of a picture-perfect couple as the train passes them by. When the woman goes missing, Rachel finds herself in the center of a missing persons investigation that gets less straightforward with every gasp-inducing revelation.

3. Se7en (1995)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time

When an 8-year-old boy says, "I see dead people," you know you're in for a spine-tingling ride. In this film, a little boy named Cole seeks help from a child psychologist (Bruce Willis) for being able to talk to the dead. If you don't already know about the twist at the end, we'll just say this: You'll never see it coming.

4. American Psycho (2000)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time   amarican psycho

Set in 1980s New York City, this film centers around Patrick (Christian Bale), an investment banking executive who hides his nighttime life as a serial killer. Over time, his coworkers and friends grow suspicious, but do they ever find out the truth? You'll have to watch to find out.

6. Gone Girl (2014)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time  gone girl

A former writer named Nick (Ben Affleck) and his wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), seem like the perfect couple. But when Amy goes missing on their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick becomes the primary suspect. A series of twists and turns reveals the shocking truth of what happened — and it's definitely not what you think.

7. Joker (2019)

Greatest psychological thriller of all time  joker

Arthur (Joaquin Phoenix) is a comedian yearning for some lightness in an increasingly gritty Gotham City. But as we learn about his tragic history of abuse and mistreatment, Arthur, who suffers from mental illness, evolves into a sinister figure: the Joker.

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